Now that you know the chemical reason for your boredom, let’s explore additional factors that might be contributing to these feelings. So it’s not that sobriety is inherently boring; it’s that drinking out of boredom your serotonin and dopamine levels are now very low. Our brains don’t like imbalance and will work very hard to correct it. That overcorrection is what you’re probably feeling right now.

  • Try having a conversation with a drunk and you’ll know exactly what I mean.
  • For example, most people drink at concerts, sports events or parties to transform their experience and heighten the moment.
  • Yet, no matter how much pain it causes to the individual or family, alcohol is one of the most difficult substances to remove.
  • But I PROMISE you, if you keep moving forward, things in your brain will start to click.
  • This is the part where you figure out how to enjoy life without a little something extra to help loosen you up.
  • BPS, The Boredom Proneness Scale, measures our level of boredom; the average boredom number is 81 to 117.

Alcohol is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States. This can be dangerous because boredom is stressful and during active addiction, it’s a problem you likely solved with drugs or alcohol. Therefore, it’s important to learn to deal with boredom in addiction recovery. Occupy your time and get healthy social interaction by taking part in group meetings and sober-related activities. Group meetings like Alcoholics Anonymous or SMART Recovery allow you to share your story with others, get feedback, and enjoy the friendliness and fellowship that’s crucial to discovery. Many groups hang out before or after the meeting so join up for a great time and less boredom.

Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

A moderate drinker might pair a glass of wine with a meal, while a regular drinker uses alcohol to feel good in general. As increased drinking continues, you become more dependent on alcohol and are at risk of developing alcoholism. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism estimates that 17 million American adults have alcohol use disorders. Another 855,000 Americans ages 12 to 17 years old have alcohol use disorders.

Your brain is only sensitive to things related to drugs and alcohol. As a result, a lot of things will seem boring during the time it takes your brain to recalibrate. A professional can give you information about drinking, risk factors for substance abuse, and strategies for managing or quitting alcohol. Even if you don’t think you have a problem, talking to a professional might give you the information you need to ensure you have a healthy relationship with alcohol. If you know you will feel lonely or down, try and plan some interactions to reduce those feelings and your reliance on alcohol.

Are You an ‘Almost Alcoholic’?

“Almost alcoholic” is a term that refers to individuals who skirt the boundaries of having a drinking problem. It’s the fine line at which point a person may cross over from casual drinking into having an alcohol use disorder. An almost alcoholic may engage in activities such as drinking out of boredom or alone. Knowing how to identify the signs of heading toward alcoholism can allow you or a loved one to seek treatment and recover.

As Dr Stephens explained, the real issue is in the way the liver breaks alcohol down into stuff called acetaldehyde. This is used to produce perfumes and disinfectants—as well as nasal tumours in rats, and laryngeal tumours in hamsters. In the “Ask a Therapist” series, I’ll be answering your questions about all things mental health and psychology. Whether you are struggling with a mental health condition, coping with anxiety about a life situation, or simply looking for a therapist’s insight, submit a question.


If you have other coping skills you can reach for you, you may be less likely to turn to alcohol to help you regulate your feelings. Alcohol becomes a problem when it causes social or relationship problems. Perhaps you argue with your partner when you’re drinking, or maybe you become the loud person who embarrasses their friends in a restaurant. Fried and overly sugary foods will also artificially spike your dopamine levels and cause your brain to overcorrect, leaving you feeling irritable, depressed, and cranky. These are all things you’re trying to overcome from drinking. Sometimes boredom in sobriety looks like not wanting to be around anyone.

On the one hand, you have no idea what you’re supposed to do with yourself. A lot of people don’t feel good when they first get sober, so it’s totally understandable if your feelings are all over the place. When you don’t feel you have anyone to talk to or anywhere to go, drinks can feel like a constant, a friend. Unfortunately, drinking alcohol because of boredom makes you feel worse which in turn, makes you feel even less confident about going out and making new connections. But self-medicating like this is not just bad for your body, but it is also likely to make your mental health worse.

If, for example, you know you get bored between 2-5 pm, then schedule an enjoyable activity to do during those times. If you are thinking about writing a schedule, one of the best ways to do it is in the evening. Write down all the things you have to do the next day, and write down the time for each activity. For that reason, setting goals is a great way to start building that amazing, sober life. However, I’m not saying that when you stop drinking, all boredom will instantly be relieved.